Safety Culture 2021 AHRQ Survey Results
The VCU Department of Radiology physicians outperformed the 2021 AHRQ Database of 172 participating hospitals and achieved 90th percentile ranking in 5 categories with highest scores in Teamwork and Communication Openness.
VCU Health assessed the culture of safety at the health system using the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Safety Culture Survey in July 2021. The anonymous survey ranked individual physician units in 10 categories to derive an overall safety score:
- Teamwork
- Staffing and Work Pace
- Organizational Leadership/Continuous Improvement
- Responses to Error
- Supervisor, Manager or Clinical Leader Support for Patient Safety
- Communication About Error
- Communication Openness
- Reporting Patient Safety Events
- Hospital Management Support for Patient Safety
- Handoffs and Information Exchanged
The results show the VCU Department of Radiology physicians, including attendings and residents, outperformed in all 10 categories compared to the 2021 AHRQ Database of 172 participating hospitals (87,856 respondents) and VCU Health physicians overall rankings. Radiology physicians also surpassed the national average of teaching hospitals in all 10 categories. Teaching hospitals made up 41% of the participating hospitals.
The radiology physicians earned an overall safety score of 80 percent with the highest scores in Teamwork, scoring 95 percent, and Communication Openness, scoring 89 percent. The VCU Department of Radiology physicians were in the 90th percentile in 5 categories: Teamwork, Staffing and Work Pace, Organizational Leadership/Continuous Improvement, Responses to Error, and Communication Openness.
The Department’s leadership attributes the high rankings to a supportive, proactive environment where physicians and staff focus on continuous improvement and problem solving. Radiology physicians are proud of the rankings and will continue efforts to improve reporting and communications while monitoring work pace and making staffing recommendations. The VCU Department of Radiology looks forward to developing new action plans that advance the VCU Health patient safety initiative.
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's (AHRQ) is a federal agency charged with improving the safety and quality of the U.S. health care system. The agency’s mission, as stated on the AHRQ website, “is to produce evidence to make health care safer, higher quality, more accessible, equitable, and affordable, and to work within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and with other partners to make sure that the evidence is understood and used.”
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Faculty News
Pei-Jan Paul Lin, Ph.D. co-authored research published in the Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics
Pei-Jan Paul Lin, Ph.D., Professor and Chair of the Division of Diagnostic Medical Physics, co-authored research with Atsushi Fukuda, Nao Ichikawa, and Kosuke Matsubara titled, "Determination of geometric information and radiation field overlaps on the skin in percutaneous coronary interventions with computer-aided design-based X-ray beam modeling" was accepted for publication by the Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics.
In August, Dr. Lin Professor co-authored research, "Accuracy of half-value layer (HVL) measurements utilizing solid state detectors for radiography and fluoroscopy X-ray systems" that was published in the Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics.
Residency Program News
VCU Radiology Residents Recognized for Correct Diagnoses
The VCU Radiology residents receive "Radiology Diagnosis Please" certificate of recognition for submitting the highest number of correct diagnoses for the 12 unknown cases published in Radiology from January 2020 through December 2020.